Field Museum “Caveman” Dioramas

Chellean scene 


Neanderthal family


Auriignacian decorated cave

 Solutrean sculptor

 Boar hunt

 sun worship

 Swiss Lake Dwellers

Souvenir postcards showing the dioramas (above) made by Frederick Blashke for the Field Museum of Natural History’s (now The Field Museum) “Hall of Prehistoric Man.” The exhibit, featuring life-sized figures, was instgalled in 1933. In 1973, the Blashke figures deemed out of date based upon more recent paleoanthropological information, the Neandertal family group was replaced with a new diorama by Joseph Krstolich (below). The hall has subsequently been closed and the dioramas dismantled and placed in storage.

Krstolich postcard

Krstolich card