”Clone” of a sculpture of the sauropod dinosaur Diplodocus, made during the early part of the 20th Century, purchased during the 1980s in a drugstore in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada. The original model was sculpted by Charles R. Knight based on a skeleton of Diplodocus carnegii mounted at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA.History; see souvenir postcard below). Knight executed more than one sculpture based upon this design and pose, also (in 1906) a painting done for the Carnegie Museum (images reproduced in the book Dinosaurs, Mammoths and Cavemen: The Art of Charles R. Knight, by Sylvia Massey Czerkas and Yours Truly). Joseph Franz Pallenberg, ca. 1909, created a life-sized Diplodocus statue, scaled up from Knight’s model, for Carl Hagenbeck’s Tiergarten zoo in Stellingen, near Hamburg, Germany (see old postcard, bottom).