Sinclair Dinosaur Memorabilia


The Sinclair Oil Company has used dinosaur imagery in its advertisements and promotions since the early 1930s. I have a lot of Sinclair dinosaur-related items in my collection, much of it associated with the company’s “Dinosaur Exhibit” at the 1933-4 Chicago World’s Fair, “A Century of Progress.” Some of those items, most of them from the early Thirties, are featured on this page.



While Sinclair’s dinosaur association was strongest during the 1930s, there was a surge again during the 1960s, beginning with the company’s “Sinclair Dinoland” attraction at the New York World’s Fair, 1964-5, with life-sized dinosaur figures made by the Jonas Studios.

To see some later Sinclair memorabilia, CLICK HERE.



To see a seemingly unique Sinclair collectible item I almost had, CLICK HERE. And to see the “inspiration” for and history of the life-sized Tyrannosaurus in the postcard below, CLICK HERE.











































Stereopticon views (“reverse cross” your eyes to see it in three dimensions) of the Sinclair Dinosaur Exhibit, 1933 Chicago World’s Fair.

Tyrannosaurus Sinclair 3DTriceratops Tyrannosaurus Sinclair