Casts of the trilobites Dakomonites and Phacops rana africana from Jones Fossil Farm, Worthington, MN.
Stereographs showing trilobite specimens from Trenton Falls, NY– the first (1870s) showing various trilobite specimens and other invertebrate fossils, the second (middle to late 1850s) showing the trilobite Isotelus gigas and other specimens. To see these views in three dimensions, simply “reverse cross” your eyes.
Also, a trackway (cast) made by the small Permian reptile Laoporus noble, from the Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff.
Below, real trilobite fossils (counter-slab impressions) from Utah; below left, painting by Matthew Kalmenoff for a stamp in Animals of the Past Stamps (A Golden Playbook, Simon and Schuster, 1954).
Post card (1990) showing William Stout’s life restoration of Olanoides. a mid-Cambrian-age trilobite from Antarctica. (To see more postcards showing real trilobites, CLICK HERE.)