Hippodraco scutodens Skull


Non-restored incomplete skull (cast) of the relatively small North American (Utah), early Cretaceous iguanodontian ornithopod dinosaur Hippodraco scutodens from Gaston Design, Fruita, CO , in left lateral and (below) medial views. Though much smaller and more archaic, Hippodraco seems to have superficially resembled the lager, geologically younger and better known European iguanodontian Iguanodon bernissartensis.


Souvenir postcard (left) from the former British Museum (Natural History) showing an outdated skeletal mount (left) of the more “advanced” European iguanodontian Iguanodon bernissartensis next to a cast skeleton of the giant sauropod Diplodocus carnegii;  below that, one of a series of postcards produced in Liason with city of Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, England, depicting Iguanodon about to be confronted by the theropod dinosaur Megalosaurus bucklandii.